Progression Framework
This framework exists to help people develop their career at Redgate.
By giving guidance on how to develop within one role, or between different roles, we hope to support people in their personal development.
The diagram below illustrates typical progress through the roles. The diagram does not show a mandatory progression. In reality, people can transfer to different roles (for example, a Technical Lead to an Architect) without following the default path.
How to use this framework
This framework should be used to inform your Personal Development Plans, alongside advice from your line manager and other colleagues.
Career progression at Redgate isn't about jumping between roles, or quickly climbing up a ladder of seniority. It's about developing your skills, and yourself, so you can do better, more fulfilling work.
That may mean developing your skills in your current role or looking to develop your skills towards a different role.
Each role describes the expected skills, competencies and behaviours of someone who is excelling in that role.
Developing within a role
There will often be growth opportunities in your current role. That doesn't mean you aren't good enough, but that our roles at Redgate are wide and varied.
By reviewing your abilities against the expectations within a role, you and your line manager may be able to identify areas for you to focus your personal development on.
Progressing to a different role
If you're already excelling in your current role, you may want to consider next steps in your career at Redgate.
By describing our different roles using a common framework it should be easier to understand what the different roles are, and which ones appeal to you.
You can then have a personal development discussion with your line manager, and start building a plan towards developing the skills and experiences you would need to move into that role.
How we describe each role
Each role should have the following information:
A short description of the role, and why it exists at Redgate.
Each step and responsibilities are described in the context of 7 different areas:
- Problem solving
- Leading by example
- Instigating change
- Growing teams
- Understanding what drives people
- Developing processes
- Mentoring
- Coaching
- Identifying areas of improvement and progression
- Breadth of experience relevant to the role
- Knowledge of best practices
- Awareness of progress in industry
- Written and oral communication
- Explaining work to peers and non-technical stakeholders
- Proactive communication
- Developing and improving communication channels
Emotional Intelligence
- Empathy
- Avoiding blame
- Awareness of team morale
- Taking active steps to improve morale
- Showing initiative
- Estimating effectively
- Ability to delegate
- Size and scope of the deliverables
- Understanding when to get support
- Impact on tech team productivity
Business Knowledge
Understanding of:
- Redgate’s market
- Redgate’s product team setup
- The goals of the team, division, other divisions, and a Redgate as a whole